Horseracing is a sport that is simple enough to understand. A jockey races their horse against others in attempts of winning. However, like most things, there is more to it and many novices of the sport may want an easy way to understand it before watching a race or even going to an event. Horseracing can prove to be one of the most exciting sports to watch, especially when there is money behind it, and everyone interested in the sport would do well to inform themselves on how it is played.
Horseracing in its simplest form is running horses at speed, generally with a rider on top of the horse, though it is possible for the rider to be in a conveyance instead. It is one of the world’s oldest sports as it has been around since we learned to tame wild horses. Horseracing is quite similar to the races that we as humans have as they are a test of speed, though some events are more endurance based. As the concept of the sport is reasonably simple, it has undergone virtually no change throughout the years. It used to be an event that was reserved primarily for the elite classes and was quite expensive for the average person to attend, though it has developed greatly from that point. Today, it has established itself as a massive public entertainment business and it is now accessible from all parts of society.
Horseracing is the second most popular spectator sport in the UK, meaning that it is clearly loved by millions in the country. One reason for this might be because it makes for a great day out. Events such as Ascot and Epsom are major sporting events that the whole family can enjoy as children typically go free. As there is generally no dress code, it makes for a fun and casual experience that is memorable even if the attendee is not the biggest fan of horseracing in the world. Racecourses will also often feature a host of facilities other than the actual track, including restaurants, bars, tea rooms and halls which offer a great respite to socialise and relax in between races.
As with any other sport, horseracing enjoys a rich betting scene, though betting on horseracing carries with it a type of excitement that cannot be found in other sports. In sports like football, a gambler would have to wait at least 90 minutes to find out the result of the game and therefore if they won or not. However, in horseracing, the average race lasts about 13 seconds which means that the gambler can find out whether they won or not near instantaneously. Although the experience of betting at an actual event is indescribable, the advent of online gambling has made the process remote, you can find some examples here, and does recapture some of the excitement of being at a real event.
Horseracing has established itself as one of the world’s biggest and best sports and those who have developed an interest in it would do well to take the plunge and go down to their local track.