Cazoo St Leger: Johnny Murtagh set to write the name in history books

Victory or loss, there will be a major milestone when Irish trainer, Johnny Murtaghrides Ottoman Emperor, the second favourite at St Leger in Doncaster. It will be a major step in what has already been one of the most exceptional journeys in any sport and which guarantees to climb to heights that have been out-of-reach in the modern era of horse racing.

Murtagh is attempting to follow an excellent 25-year career as a Flat rider with victory at a similar level as a horse trainer. In Britain, the only jockey to ever achieve this since World War II was HarryWragg, who followed 11 classic victors — plus three Derbys — as a rider with five classic wins as a horse trainer.

Surprisingly, Johnny Murtagh never won this Qipco British Champions Series contest during his distinguished horse riding career but has strong assertions of breaking his duck in it as a horse trainer with Gordon Stakes victor Ottoman Emperor.

Murtagh said via best au casino sites, “I never rode the winner of St Leger, although I didn’t ride in it that often, so to win it now as a trainer would be massive,”

“He’s a horse that has been on the improve all season. He came out of Goodwood well and he’s unexposed.

“He has a chance, but he has to stay the distance – it’s a tough race at Doncaster for the three-year-olds.

“Having said that, he’s on an upward curve, and we’re excited about the weekend.”

Mojo Star finished ahead of Hurricane Lane in the Derby encounter, but behind Lane in the Irish clash, when he had excuses.

Richard Hannon has since taken the horse to Newbury for a confidence-boosting victory.

“The flat, galloping track will suit. He was probably soundly beaten at the Curragh – but we almost got knocked over, and it took him a long time to get going,” said Hannon

“The extra two furlongs will suit him much more. He’ll get the trip. It will be more to his liking – the harder they go, the more it will be to his liking.

“He ran a very good race in the Derby. He’s not the one to beat, but he’s been underrated and deserves to take his chance.”

Back in May, Youth Spirit won the Chester Vase for Andrew Balding and has been in and around in many huge races since.

He will be saddled by Tom Marquand, who won the race in 2020 on Galileo Chrome.

“Youth Spirit didn’t run up to expectations in the Derby, having won the Chester Vase, but he’s come back in good form following a rest and has run superbly since at Goodwood and York,” said the jockey via best nz online casinos.

“I think he’s entitled to be involved, and he’s about twice the price of horses whose form he ties in really well with. He’s one I’m looking forward to.”

RiderRossa Ryan feels the Cazoo St Leger will be certain for Mojo Star as he attempts to upset favourite Hurricane Lane in the last Classic of the Flat season at Doncaster.